Happy Monday everyone!! I feel so sluggish starting out this week because we had such a great weekend!! One of those that you didn't want to end. My sister & nephew came to town, and we had SO MUCH FUN!! Having my sis & nephew here always makes me wish they lived closer, we didn't even need to be doing anything to just have fun. Maybe one day...
Friday afternoon we were eagerly awaiting their arrival and someone got a little wrapped up in mama's tiny yarn collection. Literally. It was too cute!
Saturday we had a leisurely morning, and then sis & I were off to do a little shopping (& research) at a couple local baby boutiques. We'd never been to either one, and they were filled with so much great stuff!! I fell in love with a few things...
These over-sized cards are so cute, and I think they'd be great for teaching babgirl. At $25 they're a bit steep, but I did find them online at Amazon for cheaper, so I may go that route.
This zebra head was adorable!! They also had a horse and ...hmm, one other one I can't recall. They were super cute, but nearly $200!!
I definitely want to get one of these for the bathtub. I'm always worried that babygirl is going to crack her head on the spout because she loves to play with it, and the whale is just way too cute!
These bird cards are beyond awesome. The art was beautiful, and I have a soft spot for bird art. I can't remember the price, but it was very reasonable, and with some cheap Ikea 8x10 frames, I think these would look awesome in babygirl's room!
I didn't take any pics at the other baby store, and honestly felt like I had to sneak the ones above. They were the types of places that look at you sideways when you whip out your phone camera. Eeek!
There was a super cool home store next to the second baby boutique, so we breezed through as quickly as I could manage since my sis was starving. It was also not a phone camera-friendly zone, but I snuck a few:
These little canisters were so cute!! I just wish they were bigger. I'm totally not a canisters-on-the-counters gal, but for these I'd make an exception. The ones pictured above were about the right size for teabags, or a sugar jar.
I don't care how many times I see chandeliers like this, I'm still going to love them. I just think they're AWESOME!
I saw this leather strap contraption and cracked up. I can just see the hubs using this to carry our firewood in from the back. NOT. He would laugh me out of house & home if I suggested it. Looks cute though.
And then my phone went on the fritz. There were so many more goodies I wanted to show y'all. Oh well, guess I am going to need to go back! :)
After a quick lunch at one of my favorite places- Whole Foods Salad & Hot Bars, we were up for just a tiny bit more shopping, so we headed to Goodwill, where else?! I spotted some great stuff at pretty good prices...
Hard to see, but this pale pink lamp shade was a great oval shape and really nice!
Not sure what this roll was intended for, I was thinking it would make a sweet dresser drawer liner for a little girl's room.
At first I gawked at the price of these candles- almost $7 at Goodwill. But then I smelled them, and they were divine. Probably worth the $7 bucks!
These woven trays were really cool. I'm not sure how functional they'd be, But I could see them stacked on a leather or cloth ottoman/coffee table.
These porcelain ornaments reminded me of something my grandma would like.
I love fall decorating. They don't look like anything special, but both of these pumpkins were cute.
I'll probably regret not picking up those three shelves, they were a great price, I just couldn't think of where to use them.
I liked both the laptop case and those plastic heart plates. They'd be fun to use for kiddos just on Valentines day!
These embroidered cocktail napkins were great, and brand new, but I'm just not a martini drinker and I think that's the only way they'd make sense. I don't know any martini drinkers either. Oh well.
I liked the shape of this lamp, and the color wasn't bad either.
Not sure what this is, I saw it on the way out and we were both kind of pooped, so I just grabbed a quick pic. Maybe a duvet cover? I thought the print was super fun though!
Sis & I both made out with some great deals. I'll show you one of them later this week! We headed home, had some dinner, and then the whole gang went to our new favorite place, Barnes & Noble. The cousins had a great time playing at the train table together.

After playing we stopped for a scoop of icecream on the way home. The local shop is known for interesting flavor combos, but tonight we totally struck out. For whatever reason, I decided I had to taste the Peanut Sriracha- DEEEE-SGUSTING. I mean really bad. I asked the girl scooping how hot it was, and she was all, ehh, I dunno, a little. So I tasted it. Apart from instantly scorching my throat, it was just the grossest combo. I usually trust their "weird sounding combos", but I instantly regretted it. (I ended up having to grab a bottle of water b/c I couldn't even speak from the heat of the sriracha, no jokes.) So sis & I both ended up with Salted Caramel, which should have been a no-brainer. But it was so S.A.L.T.Y. Like, it was hard to enjoy it was so salty. Sis ended up dumping her scoop and eating the cone; I had a cup so I suffered through. Oh well!
Sunday morning we headed to church, where we snapped snapped a few pics after service.
Afterwards we headed to our neighborhood coffee shop for a light breakfast in the sunshine. Then home for naps and relaxing the rest of the day.
All in all, the best kind of weekend- not hectic, no work, just lots of fun family time!!
Hope y'all have a great week. This one should be interesting around here- we hired a nanny who starts on Tuesday!! Hoping it goes well...