Thursday, November 1, 2012

Window Shopping: A Classy Flea

I'm not sure if these window shopping posts are a good idea- I'm giving away all my secret shopping spots!!  It's okay though, turnover at my fave spots is constant, which is a good thing because there's always something new to drool over.  Not good though if you're like me and wish later that you had made a purchase.  Here are a few of my favorite things on my last trip to A Classy Flea.  Sorry, I didn't write down prices, but the prices at this place are ALWAYS reasonable!

I love this table.  I'm always on the lookout for a cool LARGE dining table.  Although it rarely happens, in my dreams we host big raucous dinner parties and we all squeeze around a generous-sized table.  This one is a cool mix of industrial and farm, but it's not totally practical- the folks at the heads of the table would have no place for their legs/feet.  Must.keep.looking.

I've told you before of my love for vintage pull-down maps, and this was a pretty neat one.  I like the colors.  It's not a functional pull-down anymore though, which is kind of a bummer.

 I love this little loveseat!  It's a great compact size and I adore the color and lines.  I could see it in a cozy den or at the foot of a bed.  All it needs is a wooly plaid throw!

This was an interesting piece.  I'm not sure of it's original purpose, but it caught my eye.  What do you think it was used for?  It's definitely a candle holder, but why the spikes on the bottom?

I ADORE feather wreaths!!  We actually have one on our front door now (oops, I've yet to share the little bit of fall sprucing up I did around here!!).  I really like the colors in this one.

It's so hard to see because it's covered in stuff, but this was a very interesting orange chaise lounge.  It was super cheap, but I couldn't think of ONE place to put it in our home.  Sad day!

I love rocking chairs and am always on the hunt for cheap ones for our front porch.  I liked how these were a little more squat than your average rocker.

These were striking candle holders in a pretty bronze color.  They're a little too fussy for my taste, but I did stop to admire them.

It was kind of bright, but I liked this funky pink metal flower.  It reminded me of the amazing feather Juju hats that cost a zillion dollars.  I could see it on the gallery wall in babygirl's nursery.

I've mentioned before that I adore quirky pillows.  I especially like quirky needlepoint pillows!!  This cute owl fit the bill on both accounts.  Sadly, I left him behind (one of those times when I kick myself later- do you see the price on that little cutie?!  Boohooo).

These fabric pumpkins were interesting!  I hadn't seen anything like them before, but just this week I noticed them popping up on a few blogs.  Guess I'm behind the times!!  I still really like them, and think they'd be easy to recreate myself.

Not quite sure what caught my eye in this pic.  Maybe the bench?  Lots of eye candy!

More feather wreaths!  But I was actually trying to snap a shot of the pull-down map behind the wreaths.  It was newer, so the colors weren't as muted & pretty, but still a fun map.

I snapped this pic because I liked what the dealer did to make her spot a little more interesting.  Just some wooden curtain rings + burlap=  instant ambiance!


On our way out we spotted these great patio chairs.  Nothing special, but they were a great price and could be customized with cool cushions or even a nice bright spray paint.

And I showed you this little guy a few weeks back.  Still a little sorry I passed him up.  Oh well!!

So what do you think?  Would any of those treasures have gone home with you??

1 comment:

  1. In a word---no. Can't think of any place I would use any of them. Best chance would be the candle holder (I think the "spikes") are just part of the overall decoration. Maybe we can go there when were down for T'Giving? Dad


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